"We shall Remember them."
Father Jeff writes:
This year we have three main events which knit us to the lives of those who died in the two World Wars of the past century as we pray for peace in the world of today. 9.30 am: St Mary’s Parish Eucharist and Act of Remembrance. 10.50 am: A Community Remembers: A service at Radnor Gardens War Memorial. 6 pm: An evening of Music and Remembrance, when we will be joined by the Howells Singers.
I remember a retired soldier being irate one year at Remembrance tide, when he heard someone talk about "those who gave their lives in war”. "Those lives were not GIVEN," he insisted, "They were TAKEN." And this coming weekend we, as members of the community they were once part of, remember the lives of those who fought and were killed in World War One and World War Two.
We honour their memory; we acclaim them still as part of who we are; we offer humble and heartfelt thanks for what they achieved for us and for others who benefited from their service; we embrace them into our prayers; we stand in solidarity with all those throughout the world who long for peace and we offer ourselves to be ambassadors of God’s peace and reconciliation in our own day and in the opportunities and challenges that await.
A Prayer for Remembrance Sunday:
Almighty and eternal God, From whose love in Christ we can never be separated, Either in death or life: Hear our prayers and thanksgivings For all whom we especially remember today, Fulfil in them the purposes of your love And bring us with them, to your eternal joy, This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit One God, now and for ever. AMEN.
The readings at the Parish Eucharist will be: Ecclesiastes 3 v 1-8 and Matthew 24 v 6-13.
This week: Monday: 9 am Music Meeting, suggestions of hymns welcome (please email Fr. Jeff on hopkinwilliams@btinternet.com by 8am) 10 am The Reception classes at our school will visit the church to be welcomed into the family of St Mary’s. 8 pm The PCC meets in church. Tuesday: 9.30 am Fr. Jeff to lead Collective Worship at the school. 8 pm The Children and Young People’s Group meets in the Vestry Wednesday: 10 am The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in church. 4.30 pm The School Ethos Committee meets. Thursday:1 pm The Funeral of Shirley Hampson will take place in church.
NEXT SUNDAY is CHRIST THE KING, Stir Up Sunday, the last Sunday of the Church’s year. Festival Eucharist 9.30 am, at which the Gospel will be: Luke Chapter 23 verses 33-43.