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Christopher Williams

Dear Friends,

"War has a way of distinguishing the things which matter and the things which don't." It was a line I heard recently in a drama about the First World War, spoken by a soldier, but it is something in which we can probably all recognise the sting of truth.

This coming weekend our thoughts will be drawn back to the trauma, chaos, bravery and pain of those who endured the First and Second World Wars, in whose memory we wear the blood red poppies of Remembrance Sunday. In the face of what they experienced we are reduced to silence, a silence because all words are futile in the face of such heartache, a silence which reminds us of the silence of death, a silence that allows reflection and a silence which allows us not just to look back but look forward to the part you and I can play in the unfolding story of these islands.

Inspired by the example of those we honour this weekend perhaps we can all reconsider or even consider afresh, how we are contributing to world peace or even peace in our own communities and homes, how we are confronting untruth and exploitation, speaking up for those who are weak and vulnerable and ensuring the dignity and rights of all those in the human family, regardless of race, language, gender, creed or social position.

In the Christian tradition remembering is not merely to look back but to bring into the present the experiences of the past, to learn from them, the better to be inspired, equipped and energised to look forward.

You and I were bequeathed a peace at a great cost, let us renew our commitment this weekend to using the opportunities before us to influence things in a more positive direction, through speaking words of forgiveness and reconciliation to others, through recognising our own self serving and choosing to serve others, by reaching out into others' lives with encouragement and healing and by consciously deciding on what is the more loving thing to do or say in any given situation.

May the souls of the war dead be bathed in peace, find healing and know the gift of eternal life.

With blessings and best wishes


Please join us this Sunday 10 November for our worship as we remember with gratitude those who fought and died for our country in war, especially those from this community and the communities from which we come.

REQUIEM EUCHARISTS will be celebrated at 8 am and 9.30 am, including the Act of Remembrance.

10.45 am please join Jeff in his capacity as Mayor's Chaplain, at Radnor Gardens for the Borough Act of Remembrance.

6 pm 'For All The Saints' - There will be a time of reflection on themes of Remembrance accompanied by choral works performed by the Howells Singers..


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