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Mothering Sunday

Emily Bainbridge

Dear Friends,

Just to let you know that each of you was prayed for by name at St Mary's Church Twickenham today, on this Mothering Sunday. It may well be that this is the first occasion when all of us were "present" in our church, for quite some time! Wherever you are and however you are spending today, I hope that you feel part of our very special St. Mary's family and more than that, feel the love and the strength and the presence and the peace of the Christ we all worship together, reaching out to you with His Blessing. I am here if you need me! Blessings and best wishes, Jeff


Prayer, which we may all say together: God of compassion, Whose Son Jesus Christ shared the home of an earthly family And who drew the whole human family to Himself upon the Cross, Strengthen us in our daily living that in joy and in sorrow, We may know the power of your presence To bind together and to heal. This we ask in Jesus' name. AMEN.


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